Breath of God,
Spirit who appeared like a driving wind,
blow away our prejudice
and teach us to value all people.
Spirit of God,
who appeared like tongues of flame,
burn in us as a passion for justice
and a commitment to change.
Spirit of life,
who caused the disciples to speak in tongues,
speak through us,
and fill us with the courage to proclaim your love.
Spirit of truth,
who fills us with wonder and awe,
inspire us to work for a better world
and a future where injustice is swept away.
— written by Catherine Gorman
Encounter: Find a quiet place, light a candle asking Holy Spirit to open your heart, ears and eyes to the truth God is speaking. Read through John chapter 14 and 17, & Psalm 133. Begin to think about what these have in common.
Reflect: Slowly read through this poem, what strikes you about the words and meaning? Can you find this concepts in scripture?
Encourage: Remind yourself of the mystery of God living within you. How does this encourage you? Is the responsibility of being an image bearer unsettling? How is it encouraging to you?
Gather: Discuss with your small group what it means to value all people. Be honest with one another about how prejudice has affected your life. Talk about bias. Share with each other about how the death of George Floyd and the protests have affected you.
Close with the Pentecost prayer and the reading of Psalm 133