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A BLESSed New Year - Come and See!

Everyone everywhere, lift up your joyful shout to God! Sing your songs tuned to his glory! Tell the world how wonderful he is. For he’s the awe-inspiring God, great and glorious in power! We’ve never seen anything like him! Mighty in miracles, you cause your enemies to tremble. No wonder they all surrender and bow before you! All the earth will bow down to worship; all the earth will sing your glories forever! Pause in his presence Everyone will say, “Come and see the incredible things God has done; it will take your breath away! He multiplies miracles for his people!”

Psalm 66:1-5


Standing right in front of us is a bright and shiny new year full of opportunity! A New Year full of growing in love for God and for one another and our neighbors. To remember we have been created, called and gifted for such a time as this and are being transformed for the sake of others to see His miracles take place right in front of our eyes!

Each year at Eden, we will be taking one of the letters of BLESS and what it means as our focus to make a difference in our world and be intentional in BLESSing our neighbors. 2022 will be a “B” year to remind us to begin everything we do with prayer. We want to ask “God how do you want me to bless the people in the places you’ve sent me, in the places and to the people you are sending your church, Eden.

Ever reminding us that we can do nothing without the power of God, let us begin by praying together for this new year, this new season ahead of us, this gift of life to live for the purpose to be, “A welcoming community, seeking transformation through relationship with Jesus Christ and encouraging others to join us.”

Thank you, God, for the breath of life! One more day, week, month and year to live as co-creators with you to bring about your kingdom of love, joy, peace, mercy and justice…

Lord, we stand at the door of this New Year, thankful for the year behind us, a gift through which we’ve lived and moved. At this timely threshold, with our feet poised to walk into 2022 we turn to you with our prayer of hope. Hope springs eternal when we walk with you. Help us walk this year with you. We hope that this will be a year filled with joy, with love, with laughter, a year filled with plenty and abundance, with purpose and fulfillment. But if the year brings hard times and hurt, pain and sorrow, tears and trials, we know that your care and comfort will console us month by month. Grace us with forgiving spirits. As a community help us walk with the happy and the sorrowful, holding their stories tenderly. We hope for peace in our time, for an end to wild war music. We long to hear the sound of governments listening to their people, heeding their pleas for justice. We long to hear the sound of the children of the world cheering together because peace has been declared, and they do not have to fear anymore. We hope for healing for our beloved earth, for harmony and balance where we have caused disharmony and unbalance. This year, Lord, help us to feel in our bones the beauty of this life, this world; its sounds and sights and smells and tastes, the lavishness of being which you give us in seconds and minutes and hours and days and weeks and months. Move in us, have your way with us, so that on the last day of this year we can say, wholeheartedly, this year has been a gift through which we’ve lived and moved as followers of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Eden Church, let us welcome 2022 together with all the hope, passion and prayer that is coming alive in and through us by the Spirit of the Living God!

Come and See!

Pastor Tammy

“I am contending for you that your hearts will be wrapped in the comfort of heaven and woven together into love’s fabric. This will give you access to all the riches of God as you experience the revelation of God’s great mystery—Christ.” Colossians 2:2-3

(Prayer from

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