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The Truth Will Set You Free

Encounter: Read and meditate on Matthews words in Chapter 7 verses 24-27 in two different translations. Write down any words or phrases that make an impression on you or seem to speak to you. Begin to think about why you think truth is important. How do you see it as your foundation?

Say the word “Truth” and you can easily bring on an interrogation of what you are selling or a hilarious rendition of Jack Nicholson’s, “You can’t handle the truth!”

It seems ole Jack was right. Many of us, when talking about our ideas of what truth is, more often than not will initiate a battle instead of humbly inviting civil dialogue that explores differing views. The word itself can in a moment draw lines in the sand and draw fire instead of making friends.

Truth is, sharing God’s truth with others is not an easy thing because most of the time, God’s truth is in contrast to whatever the latest cultural “truths” are winning the day. The very words of Jesus in John 8 tell us most likely we are in bondage to some sort of philosophy that is not good for us. But that his aim is not to have a debate and win the argument. His concern is to bring goodness to our lives, to bring freedom, to guide our lives so we can experience some measure of blessing this side of the garden and into an eternity we can only imagine. Jesus says to us, “For if you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives.”

Hardly a negative thing, Jesus reminds us that God’s truth reveals His promises, nourishes our lives, strengthens us in battle against evil, renews our thought life and invites us into a conversational lifestyle with Jesus deeply rooted in His Great love for us.

Whenever we share God’s truth, it may bring opposition or set someone free, but it is always helpful to examine how we are representing God’s truth. Are we communicating a truth that brings freedom from the brokenness of this world or some sort of philosophy (or even political view) that we want people to agree with? Is God’s great love our message or is the truth we mention seasoned with a critical word for everything we are against.

This Sunday we will explore the need for God’s Truth in our lives and how His truth can transform our lives and the world around us.

God’s truth will always be centered in a person not in an ideology. And that person is Jesus Christ and He is inviting us to live our lives built on that foundation, “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ

Let this prayer of the Psalmist guide us into each day as we live into God’s Truth for our lives.

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25-4-6

In His Truth,

Pastor Tammy

Reflect: Using Biblegateway, do a word study on “truth” asking two questions. How does the bible describe God’s truth? Why is this important to my life with God and others?

Encourage: How do you communicate God’s truth to others? Try the Bible reading method described on p. 46-47 of the Easter Challenge and share a verse with a friend that you believe would bring encouragement.

Gather: Consider joining Pastor Tammy’s invitation to learn more about Triads this Tuesday at 7 p.m. on Facebook Live. And then invite two other people join you in meeting weekly in an Eden Triad, either through Zoom or by observing a 6-foot social distancing in an outdoor space.

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