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Can't Curse This!

Writer's picture: edenmunciepastoredenmunciepastor

Encounter: Our readings from 730 Challenge take us from Numbers 21-26. We will be focusing on the story of Balaam and Balak, King of Moab. A curse, a donkey and an angel. Out of this strange story we may be able to see the heart of God for his people, for us. Read through these encounters a few times, underline any words or phrases that bring up questions for you. 

There was a time in my early Christian years when I was easily led astray by certain teachers or preachers, especially those I would come across on television. They spoke with such authority, looked more important than the local pastor and their knowledge surpassed mine so naturally I took what they said as true without checking it with scripture. 

One topic that often came up was the subject of Satan, angels and their movement throughout the world that went unchecked unless you said or did just the right “spiritual” thing to stop them. Naturally this caused fear to outweigh my faith as I thought of all the ways I needed to protect myself and my family from the “curses” the enemy was certainly sending our way. And what about those that may want to pronounce a curse on us because we’re following Jesus? So I anointed windows and doors with oil, threw away Disney films, and saw the devil around every corner. As you can imagine it caused me to live in a state of fear which was the opposite of what God rescued me from and for.

I wrestled with the questions this brought up in my soul and the doubts that grew about this Jesus I had given my life to. How could the “Good News” be good if the enemy could curse, destroy and overcome the children of God. Where was the assurance I had known in the beginning of my faith walk that, “ weapon formed against me would prosper, and greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.” Where was the confidence and security I had felt before these teachings unsettled my assurance?

Now don’t get me wrong. I strongly believe there is a supernatural realm that we cannot see or fully comprehend. It is described in many places throughout Scripture. It is a realm where battles take place for the sake of Christ’s Church and where there is a trajectory leading towards a final consummation of time and purposes of God. There is evil and darkness in this world that can bring tribulation, but Jesus reiterated over and over, do not fear, “I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Noone can change what God has redeemed, loved and pronounced a BLESSing over. This truly is the eternal word made manifest in our lives, “...if God is for us who can be against us!” (Rom. 8:31) 

This Sunday we will come to appreciate more of the heart of God towards his people and how we can know that there is now no condemnation to those who are IN Christ Jesus because just as God told a pagan prophet loud and clear, “You are not to curse these people, for they have been BLESSed.”

Remember, “It’s in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free—signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. This down payment from God is the first installment on what’s coming, a reminder that we’ll get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life.” (Ephesians 1:3).  Can’t curse this!

Blessed with You,

Pastor T

Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse will not land on its intended victim.     Proverbs 26:2  NLT

Reflect:  In what circumstances do you begin to doubt God’s blessing and accept fear over faith?  Has there been times someone has tried to convince you of a curse against you because of something bad happening in your life? Have you heard such a perspective from anyone before?

Spiritual Practice: Take time in a solitary and quiet place to meditate on Colossians 1:15-20. What assurances do you find in these verses? Imagine this ‘psalm’ being sung in the house churches of early Christianity. 

Gather:  Discuss with one another why Balaam couldn’t curse the people of God. Share how God has BLESSed you, your family and your life. Where have you struggled to see God’s BLESSings?



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