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A Slow Fade

Encounter: Watch the overview video of the Book of Judges by the Bible Project and slowly read the story of Israel’s slow fade away from God in Judges chapters 1-6. Underline any words and phrases or journal what comes to mind as you pray and read. 

“You can do a lot more than the size of your church!” David Frederick, Director of Sacred Places of Indiana shared with the cohort of churches chosen to go through the New Partners/New Dollars program. Our Eden Church team attended Module 2 on Saturday.  He encouraged us to focus our attention on the assets we hold within our communities instead of focusing on what we don’t have. It came to my mind at that moment that either we can either see the abundance God has given us or get caught up in a mindset of scarcity. The question is clear. Will the church choose courage over complacency?

It’s uncanny how our 730 Challenge journey is speaking of this very thing. The Book of Judges offers a rich tapestry of stories that illustrate the struggle between complacency and courage. The first six chapters, in particular, highlight the importance of choosing courage, even when faced with overwhelming odds, and how this choice can lead to meaningful change and growth.

The opening chapters of Judges paint a vivid picture of the Israelites' journey after the death of Joshua. Despite receiving clear instructions to conquer the land of Canaan, the tribes of Israel fell into a cycle of complacency. They failed to drive out the Canaanites completely, allowing them to live among them, which led to the Israelites adopting the Canaanites' practices and turning away from their covenant with God. 

Even though it appears to have happened quickly, a new generation takes some years to grow to adulthood and that is where we find ourselves…another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel. (Judges 2:10) This kind of turning seldom happens quickly. As the song by Casting Crowns frames it, it’s a slow fade. (listen to song here:

There has been a slow fade happening across our nation for some time and what has come with it is people abandoning the Lord to serve other things. But God continues to hear the cries of the lost and so he places His Spirit within us and places His Words on our lips. God’s people are being awakened to be rescuers, deliverers, like the Judges of old that lead people back to God, we hear Him say, Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

The answer to the slow fade has always been to turn to the one who never fades, who’s mercy is waiting, who wants only to bless His people with abundance not scarcity. What will it be, Courage or complacency. …may those who love you rise like the sun in all its power!” (Judges 5:31)

Choosing courage with you,

Pastor T


One definition of complacency is: 

It’s coming to a point where you become over confident with where you are at in God and his provisions and believe you are no longer responsible for participating in intentional growth towards God’s mission and agenda in the earth. 

Begin to think about your relationships, your own spiritual growth, your work life, choices you have been making, how you handle your finances and your time. What or who is influencing your decision making most of the time.

Spiritual Practice:

Find a quiet place and Examine your life for areas where you may have become spiritually complacent. Ask the Holy Spirit to awaken you to see and understand. Confess your sins and ask God to help you keep the purpose of your life clear. You belong to God and he is always at work calling us to know Jesus, learn to live like Jesus and do the things Jesus did. Remember there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. You are forgiven. 


Share one area of complacency with your small group or a close friend who is a safe place for accountability. Ask them to pray for you in this area and think about a plan that will help you choose to walk with God. Ask for where you need to have more courage.

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