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Two by Two

Encounter: Read or listen to Mark 6:7-13 and the longer passage in Matthew 1-16. Underline words or phrases that stand out to you and then read through Isaiah 35. Begin to reflect on what is prophesied by Isaiah 35 and how Jesus’ ministry would have given glimpses to the people of Israel of its fulfillment. Take time to watch Episode 2 of Season 3 before worship on Sunday. You can go to The Chosen Resources at for highlights and discussion questions about this week’s episode.

Tonight Jack and I went to the theater to see the film, Jesus Revolution. It was like going back in time for Jack because he was following Jesus at that time and remembered how young people were passionate to learn and live like Jesus. The film did an amazing job telling the stories of some of the main characters like Chuck Smith (Calvary Chapel), Greg Laurie (Harvest Church) and Lonnie Frisbee. All three were called by God to go, fully relying on Him with all their imperfections. The revolution of faith that spread in the late 1960’s and early 70’s can be told today because of the way they each responded. Thousands upon thousands of young and old received the love of God and began their lives following Jesus and thousands more since then have grown into the faith because they decided to be baptized in Pirate’s Cove.

As I was watching Jesus Revolution, the scenes from The Chosen came to mind from Episode 2. Jesus planted his teachings deep in their hearts through his sermon on the mount and now He sent them out two by two to do what only he had done. They were to take nothing with them but to go in the power and authority to share the Good News, heal the sick and deliver people from demons. Whether it was AD 30 or 1970 the call was the same,

…the combination of taking nothing / receive everything is a winning one - the disciples saw people healed, body and soul. And just like them, when we offer ourselves to Jesus, He faithfully works in and through us to accomplish what we could never accomplish in our own power or wildest dreams.*

This Sunday we will be looking at what it means to fully rely on God as He sends us out everyday to live and share the Good News. It sounds like a bumper sticker or a cute meme (F.R.O.G), yet there are invitations throughout scripture to make it a practice. We will see there are practical ways of learning to rely on God and it includes more than just convincing our mind to focus on Jesus although that’s not a bad start.

As we are sent to share our lives with others and invite them into the Jesus Way, we can rely on God’s promise of provision for the journey and power for the work. Even when the going gets tough we are called to Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you (Psalm 37:5). This is how revolutions are born.

Learning to F.R.O.G with You,

Pastor Tammy


  • Imagine you were one of the twelve disciples that Jesus was commissioning to go out and represent the Kingdom of God. What questions and concerns would you have? In what way was Jesus telling the disciples to “Fully Rely on God?”

  • Why do you think Jesus felt a need to send out the disciples like this? Why not keep them with him and go visit all these places together? Why not take supplies and money with them?

  • What exactly do you think Jesus is trying to accomplish through his disciples? What seems to be their goal?


  • Is there an area in your life that is perplexing, difficult or you feel powerless in solving? Imagine Jesus encouraging you to fully rely on Him. What are some things you think Jesus would tell you to consider?


  • Discuss in your small group who you would pick to go on a mission with you if you had the choice? Why did you choose them?

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