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A Mother's Day Prayer

Loving God, we give thanks today for mothers!

Thank you for mothers who gave birth to us,

and women who have treated us as their own children.

Thank you for good mothers,

cherishing and protecting the children among us.

This pandemic year has been particularly challenging for mothers

who have had to cope with more togetherness, and less support.

Help them mother lovingly, fairly, wisely and with great joy.

We need your comfort here today, God,

because some are missing mothers, some are missing children,

some are parted by distance or death.

Comfort those who have given up their child for adoption,

or who chose not to give birth, and had an abortion.

Comfort those who longed to be biological mothers, and could not.

We pray for those whose mothers have disappointed them

or children who have become estranged;

we ask for grace in relationships where there is pain and bitterness,

for healing in relationships where there is abuse and violence.

Help our congregation be a space where people can feel mothered,

their gifts and talents appreciated and nurtured.

Finally, we pray today for mothers around the world;

mothers who cannot feed their children,

mothers who are homeless or without a homeland;

mothers who must teach their children about the dangers of bombs and bullets.

Help us create a world where mothers can raise their children in peace and plenty.

God of mothers, who created mothers, who came as a child and had a mother,

and has mothered us, loving us with a sweeter and deeper love than we have ever known,

hear our prayer this day, Amen.

Copyright Carol Penner

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